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May contain traces of milk, egg, soy, gluten and mustard.
Add: 300gr. minced meat, 500 gr. cauliflower, 1 large onion, 1 egg, 600 gr potato in slices, 150 ml cream.
-Preheat the oven to 200 C
-Cook the raw potato slices and cauliflower florets for about 5 minutes and finely chop the onion.
-Fry the minced meat with the onion in a frying pan or frying pan. Fry the drained cauliflower florets briefly with the minced meat.
-Divide half of the pre-cooked potato slices on the bottom of a greased baking dish. Add the cauliflower minced meat on top.
-Add the contents of the oven mix bag together with 150 ml of cooking cream to 200 ml of cold water and stir well with a whisk. Then add the egg and stir it well again. Pour 3/4 of the prepared oven mix evenly over the oven dish. Wait 2 minutes and in the meantime divide the other half of the potato slices on top. Finally, pour the remaining part evenly over the oven dish. Let the oven dish cook for about 45 minutes in the oven and turn golden brown.